Rubbed Sage

Remember the Sage bundles I put up for drying with the Sweet Woodruff for drying a couple of weeks ago. Well it is now dry and I am now going to prepare this for storing. Its very simple to prepare.

  1. Take a large glass bowl.

  2. Take a few stems of sage from one of your bundles of sage and literally start to roll it backwards and forwards in your hands. Because the sage is "dry" it should rub naturally into litle pieces. I take the stems away just using the leaves before rubbing. It is very aromatic and makes the room and my hands smell lovely - not everyone likes sage I do. I then pop the rubbed herb onto a chopping board and pass a mezzaluna chopper over it to give a finer finish - that is my preference. I then decant the prepared herb into a glass bottle. This is my first harvest of sage this year which comprised of four large bundles I intend to dry some more again during the week pending the weather being drier. The stems I do keep these in little bundles as they can be used on barbecues or log fires to help give an extra aroma. Sage is normally used by the North American Indians and others to help cleanse a room of any unnecessary energies.

  3. I decant into glass jars and use in home made stuffings usually for hot meals during the winter months; in the summer months I use the fresh herb. This is the one herb that I really do use a lot of.
Bundles of dried sage ready for use After Rubbing


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