A Place on my Pantry Shelf - Sesame Seeds

Everything in my Pantry has to earn its place and I keep a base of items that I personally use on a regular basis. Of course your base items would be those items which you would use on a regular basis and therefore may well be very different to what I keep in the  pantry.  That is okay that is the norm - it would not do if we were all the same but equally you have to embrace individuality.  One of these base items is sesame seeds - they are very good for you and contain some of those unusual trace elements that our systems use and need in minute amounts.  I have quite frequently bought Tahini in the past but the jars are always too big and so I decided to look for a recipe to make home made Tahini and I found this link to this tutorial which I popped up for future investigation.  This is what I do find things I am interested in and then go back and play.  This is what happened with this tutorial:

http://www.cinnamonspiceandeverythingnice.com/how-to-make-tahini-paste/ which looks like a good simple tutorial and by the looks of it easily achieved.

Since starting this post I have gone on to play and make this Tahini paste.  I make it in little amounts and keep it in the fridge adding to whatever recipe I have.  I keep Sesame Seeds in the house predominantly to toast until golden brown, cool and then store in a jar to sprinkle on a natural yogurt topping that I put on top of ordinary cereal, home made muesli or granola together with a little stewed fruit (a good way of using up fruit that is past its best but which you want to use up).  I buy my sesame seeds from my local Asian Supermarket where they are also known as Till seeds.  I love the flavour of sesame seeds and I am also partial to sesame snaps which I quite frequently buy - and use as bases for puddings or as a topping.

Please see the link here for a recipe to make either poppy seed or sesame seed snaps

If I can make things myself I do as it gives me so much personal pleasure to be able to do things rather than rely being provided by the supermarkets.  I try to buy base ingredients and then you have freedom of choice on what you do with them.  Most things store well in the pantry for a little while and home made has no nasties in them.

And then this moning I was watching Annabel Langbein on the Good Food Channel and she made very simply some lavosh cracker breads.  I have been paying a fortune for these over £2 a box and they are very tasty.  Guess what they use Sesame Seeds as well  here is the link to recipe on Annabel's website.   This recipe uses both white and black Sesame Seeds. I must say that I am particularly taken with her way of cooking.http://www.annabel-langbein.com/recipes/sesame-lavosh/289/

This is a lovely website and there are some lovely simple recipes there too.

So that is three uses for Sesame Seeds already so I think they have earned their place on the Pantry Shelf.  Do you use Sesame Seeds and if so how or what do you use them in?  

You know me I like to find recipes so that I can make them quite happily at home.

Look forward to hearing from you.



P.S.  You can also use them on home made bread too


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