Getting the most out of our food

Our pennies are hard won and worked for therefore it makes absolute sense to get the maximum use out of those ingredients especially fresh ones as we can with the absolute minimum of waste.  After all pennies are precious and you need to extract as much out of the food you do buy to get value for money.  This particular feed has some very good ideas - some of them I already knew about and was practising but others I did not know about.  There are some good ideas there.  Especially the salad bowl one and the herbs.  It grieves me that their shelf life soon passes (as they are quite often pricey in their own right)

Equally I use a lot of fresh produce  where I can - I have a very good veg shop for basics and some of the more exotic stuff I either get from the market or the supermarket.  Therefore trying to get that little bit more out of my pennies quite appeals particularly with what this lady does with the fresh ingredients.

It all just helps to squeeze an extra penny or two out of things that you have already paid for.

Catch you later.




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