Creme De Cassis

This is a slightly different recipe to the one I normally use for making home made cassis as it involves both red wine and vodka.  I usually make cassis to help ward off winter colds.  A good shot of home made cassis on its own or turned into a toddy really gives a sore throat some ease and tastes good.  I might make double whammy this time if I can find a good vodka relatively cheaply. The recipe comes from Debora Robertson's Gifts from the Garden - a really beautiful and useful book. 


700g of blackcurrants (picked over to remove any stalks)
700ml of red wine
Approx 800g caster sugar
Approx 400g vodka
Pretty bottles


Place the prepared blackcurrants into a ceramic or glass bowl and mash lightly with a potato masher.  Stir in the red wine.  Cover with cling-film and leave to macerate for at least 24 hours up to 48 hours.

Puree the blackcurrants and wine in a food processor or blender and then strain through a muslin lined sieve into a bowl or jug. Press down on the fruit to release as much juice as possible.  Measure the liquid you should have about 1 litre then pour into a large saucepan.  For every 250ml of liquid add 200g of caster sugar.

Heat gently stirring frequently until the sugar has dissolved.  You do not want to simmer or boil as you will lose the alcohol content.  Leave the mixture barely steaming at the lowest heat for an hour or so stirring occasionally until the liquid has reduced and become slightly syrupy.  You should have about 1.2 litres.  Leave covered to cool.

Mix together 1 part vodka to 3 parts of the cooled blackcurrant liquid. Use a funnel to decant into cold sterilised bottles.  Store in a cool dark place for at least a month before drinking.

The author comments:

The crème de cassis should be drunk within 2 years.

Traditionally mixed with champagne  as a kir royale but also delicious poured over very good vanilla ice cream.  Made in the summer and stored for a few months makes a very useful addition to a home made Christmas Hamper.

Me  - I am sticking to my original story - medicinal purposes only -  but then again - ice cream - now that really could be the way to go.

Catch you later.




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